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North Sea Hydrogen Webinar

  • Event

22. October 2024



22. October, 11:00-12:30 (10:00-11:30 Ireland-Time)

We welcome you to our multinational webinar on the current situation of the hydrogen industry in the North Sea region. 


digital / english
free of charge

Together with our AHK partners from Denmark, Ireland and the Netherlands, we look forward to exchanging ideas with you on 22nd of October 2024. 


Preliminary programme:

  • Welcome by David Parkmann, Head of DE International, AHK Ireland
  • Political opening speech
  • Valuable presentations by speakers from the participating nations
  • Time for your questions and a mutual exchange


Our speakers:

  • Norway: Tor Kristian Haldorsen, Lead Advisor Government Relations, Norwegian Hydrogen Forum
  • Denmark: Alexander Stäblein, Head of Civil & Process Engineering, Sweco
  • The Netherlands: Dr. ir. Samira Farahani, Program Coordinator System and Infrastructure, NLHydrogen
  • Ireland: Gearóid FitzGerald, Hydrogen Commercial Manager, Gas Networks Ireland


Take advantage of this unique opportunity to gain valuable insights and broaden your business horizons. 



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