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Hydrogen Seminar with Wikborg Rein and Clifford Chance

  • Event

18. June| 12.30 pm - Düsseldorf



18. June 2024, 12.30 pm

Please register here

Clifford Chance Düsseldorf
Königsallee 59
40215 Düsseldorf



The development of clean hydrogen plays a pivotal role in reaching the climate-targets and achieve the green transition through renewable energies. Germany and Norway are key players on the European market and work closely together to accelerate the development in the field of clean hydrogen. After a successful seminar in Oslo, Clifford Chance,  Wikborg Rein and the German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce are now organising a similar event in Düsseldorf, Germany. The seminar casts light on developments and challenges in the industry as well as giving a legal perspective, exploring the legal frameworks around hydrogen.

Preliminary program:
12.30-13.00Coffee with fingerfood and registration
13.00-13.10Opening Message by  German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce
13.10-13.25The German-Norwegian energy cooperation by Norwegian Embassy in Germany
13.25-13.55Hydrogen grid regulation – overview of current developments in the EU and Germany by Clifford Chance 
13.55-14.20Financing of the German Core Grid – View from the Investors by Gregor Grassmair, Director RBC Capital Markets
14.30- 14.45Coffee and refreshments
14.45-15.05Market Situation and Challenges for Green Hydrogen Projects – An OEM Perspective by Yngve Walle, Jan Bukowski, Legal Counsel thyssenkrupp nucera
15.05-15.20Navigating Uncertainties – An Offtaker Perspective by Christoph Stemmler, Senior Manager, Project Enabling - Hydrogen, SEFE Securing Energy for Europe
15.30- 15.45Coffee and refreshments
15.45-16.05Narvik Green Ammonia – matching early-mover supply of renewable hydrogen from the Norwegian Arctic with early-mover demand from the EU by Knut Nyborg and Rob Marshall, Aker Horizon
16:05-16:25Practical and legal experiences from green hydrogen projects – where lies the legal risk? by Wikborg Rein
16.45 - 18.00Get-Together with buffet and beverages



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