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German-Norwegian Energy Dialogue 2024

  • Event

17. September 2024 | 11.00 - 19.15

Energidialog 2024


17. September 2024, 11.00 - 19.15


Myntgata 7
0151, Oslo
+47 22 12 82 10
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Energy security has been a top priority for European policymakers. Despite geopolitical challenges, energy markets were resilient during the 2021-2022 crisis, emphasizing the need for cooperation to achieve a decarbonized energy system.

In 2023 and 2024, the focus shifted to climate ambitions. Germany and Norway launched initiatives like Germany's Carbon Management Strategy and Norway's first offshore wind auction, showing commitment to renewable energy and green industry.

This year’s German-Norwegian Energy Dialogue will address how industry can contribute to realizing political targets, but also what policies they require in order to deliver on said targets. Relevant stakeholders will furthermore discuss key topics such as the development of the power market, the state of play for a hydrogen economy and the role of carbon capture and storage in decarbonizing German industry.


Preliminary Programme

Lunch & Registration
Political and Industrial Dialogue 

Welcome & Ambassador Dialogue

  • Michael Kern, Managing Director, German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce
  • Hanne Marit G. Strand, Head of Stakeholder Relations and Energy, German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce
  • Dr. Detlef Wächter, German ambassador in Oslo
  • Jonas Skei, Minister Councellor, Royal Norwegian Embassy Berlin

Keynotes: The German-Norwegian Energy and Industry Dialogue

  • Dr. Philipp Steinberg, Director General for Economic Stabilisation, Energy Security, Gas and Hydrogen Infrastructure, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
  • Astrid Bergmål, State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Energy

Panel: Political and Industrial Dialogue

  • Dr. Philipp Steinberg, Director General for Economic Stabilisation, Energy Security, Gas and Hydrogen Infrastructure, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
  • Astrid Bergmål, State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Energy
  • Ulf Heitmüller, CEO, VNG AG
  • Jürgen Tzschoppe, Executive Vice President, New Energy Solutions, Statkraft AS
The Transformation of the Power Market: Renewable Capacity, The Dynamics of Offshore Wind, and Financing the Green Transition

Introduction and Fireside Chat

  • Sverre Alvik, Director Energy Transition, DNV AS
  • Arndt von Schemde, Partner, THEMA Consulting Group 

Panel: The Dynamics of Offshore Wind: Auctions, European Collaboration, & Potential of Floating Projects

  • Matilda Machacek, VP Offshore Wind Development Nordics, RWE Renewables GmbH
  • Janina Habethal, Senior Advisor Political Affairs , TenneT
  • Dr. Stephan Buller, Head of Offshore Portfolio Management & Floating Offshore Wind, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy S.A.

Fireside: Financing the Green Transition: Mechanisms and New Infrastructure

  • Ulrich Benterbusch, Managing Director, GASCADE Gastrabsport GmbH
  • Liv Monica Stubholt, Partner at Advokatfirmaet Selmer AS, Member of the NOU Energy Commission
  • Enja Sæthren, Head of Government Relations and Support Mechanisms, Scatec ASA

Project Presentation: First Ever Green Hydrogen Export from North Africa to Germany

  • Pål Strøm, Project Director, Scatec ASA
  • Markus Exenberger, Managing Director, H2 Global Advisory GmbH
Hydrogen and CCS: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Expert Introduction

  • Artem Abramov, Head of Clean Tech Research, Rystad Energy

Panel: Carbon Capture & Storage – Projects, Policy Changes, and Future Bottlenecks

  • Kevin Meisel, Country Lead CCS & Hydrogen Norway, Harbour Energy
  • Ulrik Olbjørn, Asset Manager CCS Denmark, Equinor ASA
  • Dr. Thomas Hüwener, Spokesman of the Management Board & CEO, Open Grid Europe GmbH
  • Pia Prestmo, Head of Public Affairs, Heidelberg Materials Norway AS
  • Svein-Erik Losnegård, Vice President Research and Development, Gassco AS

Panel: Hydrogen – An Industry in its Infancy

  • Dr. Philipp Steinberg, Director General for Economic Stabilisation, Energy Security, Gas and Hydrogen Infrastructure, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
  • Carl Jørgen B. Johannessen, Head of Nordic Trading & Origination, EnBW AG
  • Øivin Iversen, Head of Projects, Höegh LNG AG
  • Holger Kreetz, COO, Uniper SE


  • Michael Kern, Managing Director, German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce
  • Hanne Marit G. Strand, Head of Stakeholder Relations and Energy, German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce
Apéritif & Networking dinner
The German-Norwegian Energy Dialogue 

...is a platform for exchange on the most important developments within the German-Norwegian energy partnership.

In cooperation with the embassies of both countries and Innovation Norway, we gather representatives from industry, politics, and civil society from both nations for an annual event. This focuses lay on discussing the potential for bilateral energy cooperation, as well as market and technology developments.

Find out more about the concept:

  • German-Norwegian Energy Dialogue Impressions 1

    German-Norwegian Energy Dialogue

    The "German-Norwegian Energy Dialogue" is a year-round platform, culminating in a single annual event. However, under this label, we organize various smaller happenings such as workshops, meetings, and webinars throughout the year.

In cooperation with:

Logo Norsk Ambassade Berlin ENG Embassy of the Federal Republicc of Germany Oslo Englisches Logo von IN

Supported by:

Aker_Horizons-Logo DNV_Logo EnBW_Logo Equinor_Logo https://www.harbourenergy.com/ Höegh LNG logo RWE-Logo Statkraft_Logo VNG_Logo


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