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North Sea Offshore Summit: Europe’s Future Powerhouse

  • Event

6. & 7. June 2024

Offshore Windmills


6. June, 18:00 - 20:00 

Welcome and exclusive networking reception at the Embassy of the Netherlands

Embassy of the Netherlands
Klosterstr. 50
10179 Berlin
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7. June 2024, 9:00 - 16:00 (Registration starts at 8:00)

North Sea Offshore Summit: Europe's Future Powerhouse

Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK)
Haus der deutschen Wirtschaft 
Breite Str. 29
10178 Berlin
+49 30 28472624
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Speakers and Audience
Project Developers, Technology Manufacturers,
Government Actors, Consultants, TSOs, Installation
Companies, Harbour Representatives, Industrial

The North Sea region has a long history as a source of fossil energy. The last decades have however also seen a massive expansion of offshore wind power capacities. Thanks to high wind speeds, shallow waters and pioneers from the region, a world-leading industry has developed here enabling increasingly sustainable energy systems. Political and economic decision-makers are aiming for a rapid multiplication of capacities through the Esbjerg and Ostend declarations. The topic of hydrogen production in and around the North Sea is also high on the agenda.

We have a huge task ahead of us to achieve these goals, but by pooling our skills, the North Sea countries can become the new powerhouse of Europe and show the world the path to green growth. At the summit, we aim to elevate the political and industrial dialogue to identify the next steps and necessary framework.

Preliminary Programme



09:00 - 09:15


  • Dr. Volker Treier, Chief Executive of Foreign Trade, Member of the Executive Board DIHK
  • Michael Kern, Managing Director German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce 
  • Andreas Wenzel, Managing Director German-Danish Chamber of Commerce 
  • Günter Gülker, Managing Director German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce   

09:15 - 09:30

Fireside Chat

Moderator: Hanne Marit Grønning Strand, Head of Stakeholder Relations and Energy, German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce

  • H.E. Ambassador Ronald van Roeden, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • Susanne Hyldelund, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Germany
  • H.E. Laila Stenseng, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Germany

09:30 - 10:15

Panel 1: Setting the Scene

Moderator: Hanne Marit Grønning Strand, Head of Stakeholder Relations and Energy, German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce

  • Trine Borum Bojsen, SVP North Sea Renewables, Equinor 
  • Britta van Boven, CEO, Gasunie Deutschland 
  • Joana Stirnberg, Coordinator EU Affairs, TenneT
  • Matthias Bausenwein, SVP Offshore Wind, bp plc 

10:15 - 11:00

Panel 2: Supply Chains 

Moderator and expert introduction: Heike Winkler, Independent Communications Consultant, Offshore Wind Kommunikation

  • Albert Winnemullers, Head of Offshore Product Market Strategy Global Commercial Operations, Vestas
  • Lois Isa Frahm, Market Intelligence Analyst, Sif
  • Hugo Buis, VP Offshore EMEA, Shell
  • Ruud de Bruijne, programme manager Energy Systems & Offshore Wind, Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)

11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break 

11:30 – 11:45

Parl. State Secretary Stefan Wenzel, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

11:45 - 12:30

Panel 3: Regulations - Tender and Market Design 

Moderator: Ben Mouelhi, Energy Analyst, German-Danish Chamber of Commerce
Expert introduction: Matthias Janssen, Frontier Economics 


  • Parl. State Secretary Stefan Wenzel, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action 
  • Dr. Tim Fischer, Global Executive Director, Rambøll 
  • Wim Verrept, Project Director Sørlige Nordsjø II Offshore Windfarm, ParkWind
  • Ulrik Stridbæk, Vice President, Head of Global Regulatory and Public Affairs, Ørsted

12:30 - 13:30

Lunch Break 


Break-Out Sessions 

Grid Infrastructure

Moderator: Cornelius Drücker, Energy Advisor, Norwegian Energy Partners

  • Olivier Feix, Director of Strategy and Corporate Development, 50Hertz
  • Janina Habethal, Senior Advisor Political Affairs, TenneT
  • Holger Matthiesen, Project Director, Luxcara
  • Bert van der Lingen, Vice-President, NedZero  

Offshore Hydrogen

Moderator: Meiko Neumann, Managing Director, cruh21

  • Dennis Wehmeyer, Head of Hydrogen & Sustainability, Gascade
  • Thomas Koopmann, Director, CIP
  • David Hanel, Head of Public Affairs Germany, Lhyfe

14:25 - 14:45

Conclusion of Sessions and Final Remarks (Plenary room) 

  • Cornelius Drücker, Norwegian Energy Partners 
  • Meiko Neumann, Cruh21 


  • Michael Kern, Managing Director, German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce 
  • Andreas Wenzel, Managing Director, German-Danish Chamber of Commerce 
  • Günter Gülker, Managing Director, German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce 

14:45 - 16:00

Networking, coffee, and snacks


Join Us in Berlin! Be part of this transformative conference that aims to position the North Sea region as Europe's green powerhouse. Engage in fruitful discussions and shape the future of offshore wind energy. 

Interested in profiling your company at the summit? Contact us for information about a sponsorship agreement



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