Logo der Deutsch-Norwegische Handelskammer

German Energy Evening at ONS+

  • Event

27. August | 18.00 - 23.00

white title with green hills in the backgriund


27. August 2024, 18.00 - 23.00

Invitation only

Kraftverket Pavilion (tent 6), 
part of the ONS Trade Fair, 
Vågen, 4005 Stavanger
Show on map

Welcome to German Energy Evening at ONS+!

Germany is one of Norway's most important energy partners. They collaborate in areas such as hydropower, hydrogen, batteries, offshore wind, and carbon capture and storage. Several German companies are in Norway, and many Norwegian companies are establishing themselves in Germany.

At ONS+ in Stavanger, together with our partners VNG AG, Wintershall AG, Morrow Batteries, and Corporate Communications AS, we organize an informal gathering at the pavilion Kraftwerket in Vågen, with German food, drinks, and entertainment.

We highlight the opportunities in the German-Norwegian energy cooperation while enhancing knowledge, interest, and appreciation for this important country in the heart of Europe.

Preliminary program:

Pavilion open - music and bar


Official opening of the evening

With the German Ambassador to Norway and the head of the chamber of commerce, Minister of Energy / Minister of
Climate (prominent politician). What does Norway need from Germany, and what does Germany need from Norway

Intro by Kjell Terje Ringdal – Why aren´t we talking more about Germany?


Introduction of partner companies – panel session

European energy transition – Representatives from VNG, Wintershall and Morrow discuss new markets and value chains – what are the key challenges and how can German and Norwegian companies contribute
with solutions? 

Moderator: Benedicte Brinchmann Eie (CC)

Interactive element: Menti competition


Drinks, food and guest mingling


German DJ – Heidi´s Bier Bar concept


End of evening – award of German Menti competition

In cooperation with:

Logo Corporate Communications AS
Morrow Batteries

visit our German Pavilion at ONS!


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